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贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业英汉词典 第3页

(economic integration has been introduced in the) form of cooperative operation合营形式详细»
(economic) administration of justice经济司法详细»
(economic) executives经济实际工作者,管理人员详细»
(economize the) household supplies家用详细»
(employees) can be hired but not fired,and they can be promoted but not demoted职工能进不能出、能升不能降详细»
(end) profligate (capital construction)敞口花钱详细»
(enterprise A transfers) real estate use rights for years remaining to (enterprise B)地产剩余使用年限详细»
(enterprise groups have been) organized by linking production,supply and marketing of a certain product in a streamlined way产、供、销“一条龙”详细»
(enterprise made investment) whenever and wherever profitable (through expansion)企业投资视利而行详细»
(enterprise workers have) rights to oversee,discuss and make policy decisions in management工人在企业有审议权、决策权、监督权详细»
(enterprises are) rationed a defined amount of fuel and electricity凭证定量供应燃料电力详细»
(enterprises groups are developing into) comprehensive groups in terms of their overall production and business总体生产经营综合化详细»
(enterprises were obliged to) take on the sons and daughters of retired workers企业过去实行职工子女顶替详细»
(enterprises'activities in production and management are all) conducted through money货币化详细»
(enterprises) depend on state subsidies (year in and year out)企业常年吃国家补贴详细»
(enterprises) suspend production until they have put themselves in good shape企业停产整顿详细»
(equipment's) product生产成果,产品详细»
(exchange in which the) producer dominates the product交换中人统制着物详细»
(exert) sham efforts虚劲详细»
(expenses incurred in these activities were) all included in the cost of production摊入生产成本详细»
(face with) very strong competition面对有力竞争对手详细»
(fees on use of funds are) levied as a percentage (of the funds used)依率计征详细»
(fill a) gap (in industry)缺门详细»
(find a) substitute替工,代用品详细»
(finish the) material for an expression of value价值表现的材料详细»
(forbid the) use of appropriations within the budget for projects it has not covered严禁将预算内拨款转到预算以外详细»
(freight is calculated per) individual loading unit运费是依个别装货数目来计算的详细»
(from a) close to an open state从封闭到开放详细»
(functionaries) promoted to a higher position may not be given a wage increase提职不提薪详细»
(general principle of)挪用详细»
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