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贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业英汉词典 第5页

(joint venture which) dissolves itself upon the date of expiration合营期满解散详细»
(labor cannot live without) objects on which to operate没有劳动加工的对象详细»
(labor is man's) active possession能动的财产详细»
(land use rights can be) leased in batches within certain time limits按一定年限批租详细»
(landlords in the old society) purchased standing crops at extremely low prices from poor peasants who run short before the harvest放青苗详细»
(law of value should be taken as a)大规模机器工业改造农业详细»
(leave) tiny portion of the tax revenue with the local authorities for use at their own discretion让地方自己支配一小部分地方税收详细»
(liquidation expenses) are to be paid,as a matter of priority优先支付详细»
(local authorities are) responsible for their own budgets预算包干详细»
(local governments are) responsible for balancing their budgets地方政府收支包干详细»
(localities were permitted to include in their plans a target财政包干详细»
(localities) build a complete system within themselves自成体系详细»
(lopsided development of heavy industry) at the expense of agriculture重工业畸形发展挤了农业详细»
(make a) deal生意详细»
(make full use of) limited resources小型资源,有限资源详细»
(make) prices approach value使价格趋于价值详细»
(market value) equates itself with real value市场价值平均化为实际价值详细»
(material) substractum基质详细»
(mercantilist theory of)报销,报帐详细»
(mineral) deposits贮藏详细»
(mobilizing all forces in a concerted drive of) overall administration of public security社会治安综合治理详细»
(money gives everyone)货币作为一般等价物总是固定在某一种社会产品上的详细»
(most of) enterprises under the direction administration of (the First Ministry of Machine Building Industry)一机部归口企业详细»
(narrowing the) gap between (industrial and farm) price差价详细»
(neighborhoods set up)国民经济全局活了详细»
(new products are) first put on trial sale (in this city)新产品在本市先行试销详细»
(old equipment as) operating only haltingly老设备带病运转详细»
(ordinary rate of profit varies with certainty or uncertainty of the) returns收回资本,收益详细»
(our capital construction was) overextended基本建设战线过长详细»
(overlooking enterprises') good or poor economic performance经营好坏详细»
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