经贸专业汉英词典 经贸专业英语词典 经贸英语词典 经贸英语词汇 经贸专业词典 经贸英语专业词典
经贸专业汉英词典 第170页
翻译 | 详细 |
体视镜stereoscope | 详细» |
何况much less | 详细» |
余产residuary estate | 详细» |
余值证券residual securities | 详细» |
余割cosecant | 详细» |
余弦平方脉冲raise cosine pulse | 详细» |
余摆管trochotron | 详细» |
余数乘法器residue numder multiplier | 详细» |
余款停止支用通知surplus fund warrant | 详细» |
余热waste heat | 详细» |
余留指整数rest exponent integer | 详细» |
余粮收集制surplus appropriation system | 详细» |
余载承运人overcarrier | 详细» |
余额black figure;excess;excesses of earnings;orders in hand;orders on hand;ordersonhand;remaining amount;residual amount | 详细» |
余额式分类帐balance form of ledger | 详细» |
余额损失excession loss | 详细» |
余额栏式分户帐ledger account with balance column | 详细» |
余额清单statement of balance | 详细» |
余额移下balance forward | 详细» |
余额结转balance carried down;transfer of balance | 详细» |
余额表list of balance;outstanding balance of accounts | 详细» |
余额调整adjustment of balance | 详细» |
余额转帐cancellation of balances of accounts | 详细» |
余额递减式reducing balance form;reducingbalanceform | 详细» |
余额递减损益表reducing balance form of profit and loss | 详细» |
佛得角埃斯库多cap verde escudo | 详细» |
作...修正made correction for;make correction for;maken correction for;makes correction for | 详细» |
作...的笔记take a note of;taken a note of;takes a note of;took a note of | 详细» |
作...表made a list of;make a list of;maken a list of;makes a list of | 详细» |
作业activity | 详细» |