经贸专业汉英词典 经贸专业英语词典 经贸英语词典 经贸英语词汇 经贸专业词典 经贸英语专业词典
经贸专业汉英词典 第166页
翻译 | 详细 |
低于票面价值股票below par stock | 详细» |
低产low yeilding;lowyeilding | 详细» |
低产牧场low yeilding pasture | 详细» |
低价at a low price;low in price;low order;underbid | 详细» |
低价住房low cost housing | 详细» |
低价出售的商品low price special goods | 详细» |
低价旅行cheap trip | 详细» |
低价氯化物subchloride | 详细» |
低价股票low priced stock | 详细» |
低价运费distress freight | 详细» |
低估low estimate;under assessment;under valuation;underassessment;underestimate;underestimation;underreport;undervalue | 详细» |
低估价值的保单undervalued policy | 详细» |
低估税undervaluation duty | 详细» |
低位地址建立时间low address setup time | 详细» |
低位的low order | 详细» |
低共熔点eutectic | 详细» |
低分子聚酰胺versamid | 详细» |
低利息batement of interest | 详细» |
低利率low cost of money;low interst rate | 详细» |
低利贷款easy money | 详细» |
低功耗肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑low power schottky ttl | 详细» |
低劣价值poor value | 详细» |
低劣的仿制品lame imitation | 详细» |
低压low tension | 详细» |
低压直流电机milker | 详细» |
低品位燃料low grade fuel | 详细» |
低型跨式载运车low profile straddle carriers | 详细» |
低层堆场low elevation stacking area | 详细» |
低峰态platykurtosis | 详细» |
低峰态的platykurtic | 详细» |