法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典
法学专业汉英词典 第17页
翻译 | 详细 |
不可违背的协议infrangible agreement | 详细» |
不可逆昏迷irreversible coma | 详细» |
不可避免inevitable | 详细» |
不可避免的事故inevitable accident;unavoidable accident | 详细» |
不可避免的错误unavoidable mistake | 详细» |
不可靠infirmative;questionable;slippery;unauthentic;unreliable;untrustworthy | 详细» |
不可靠的约因infirmative consideration | 详细» |
不可预测unpredictable | 详细» |
不可预测的行为unpredictable behavior | 详细» |
不合人情的遗嘱unnatural will | 详细» |
不合格disqualification;ineligibility;inelegible;unqualified | 详细» |
不合格当事人unqualified party | 详细» |
不合格的就业者unqualified job-seeker | 详细» |
不合法条件unlawful condition | 详细» |
不合理illegitimacy;unconscionability;improper;inappropriate;unconscionable;unfair;unjustified;unreasonable | 详细» |
不合理拿捕unreasonable seizure | 详细» |
不合理收费unreasonable charge | 详细» |
不合理限制贸易罪unreasonable restraint of trade | 详细» |
不合逻辑的推论paralogism | 详细» |
不同居令no-cohabitation order;order of separation from bed and board | 详细» |
不同意disagree;do not agree;set at variance;withhold one's content;derecognition;disagreement | 详细» |
不同意见dissent;point of disagreement;dissentiente | 详细» |
不同接触论differential association | 详细» |
不同机会论differential opportunity theory | 详细» |
不同讼案的错误合并misjoinder of causes | 详细» |
不含税价格price not including tariff | 详细» |
不告不理no trial without complaint | 详细» |
不告知nondisclosure | 详细» |
不咎既往not go into past misdeeds | 详细» |
不在此限not subject to the limits | 详细» |