法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典
法学专业汉英词典 第14页
翻译 | 详细 |
不公正行为injustice | 详细» |
不关押nonconfinement | 详细» |
不具名作品anonymous work | 详细» |
不具备法定要件的婚姻common-law marriage | 详细» |
不准保释refuse bail;irrepleviable | 详细» |
不准停车等候NO WAITING | 详细» |
不准入境年限years of no entry | 详细» |
不准动并接受搜身检查规则stop and frisk" law | 详细» |
不准张贴POST NO BILL | 详细» |
不出举interest-free | 详细» |
不出席nonapperance | 详细» |
不出庭者defaulter | 详细» |
不出庭证书nonappearance certificate | 详细» |
不分割的继承undivided estate | 详细» |
不判死刑谋杀罪noncapital murder | 详细» |
不利条件adverse conditions;disadvantageous conditions | 详细» |
不利证据adverse evidence | 详细» |
不到法定年龄nonage;under age | 详细» |
不动产immovable property;immovables;landed estate or landed property;lands;tenements and hereditaments;real estate;real property;real things;realty;things real | 详细» |
不动产所在地法律law of the place where the real property is situated;lex loci rei immobilis | 详细» |
不动产抵押公司债real estate mortgage bond | 详细» |
不动产物权real property right in rem;right to immovables | 详细» |
不动产相邻安静权realty neighbor's right to peace | 详细» |
不动产相邻排水权realty neighbor's right of water irrigation | 详细» |
不动产相邻涉水权realty neighbor's rights to water | 详细» |
不动产相邻环境权realty neighbor's right to environment | 详细» |
不动产相邻通行权realty neighbor's right of passage | 详细» |
不动产相邻采光权realty neighbor's right to light | 详细» |
不动产相邻防险权realty neighbor's right against risks | 详细» |