中医专业汉英词典 中医专业英语词典 中医英语词典 中医英语词汇 中医专业词典 中医英语专业词典
中医专业汉英词典 第81页
翻译 | 详细 |
传染性粘液瘤infectious myxoma | 详细» |
传染性肝炎相关抗原epidemic hepatitis associated antigen | 详细» |
传染性腔上囊病原体infectious bursal agent | 详细» |
传染性黄疸infectious jaundice | 详细» |
传染毒素virus | 详细» |
传染病a contagious disease;communicability;communicable disease;communicable infection;infectious disease;lues;pestilent disease | 详细» |
传染病发生the onset of an infectious disease | 详细» |
传染病后遗忘症post-infectious amnesia | 详细» |
传染病引起一种病征性高热the infecton caused a symptomatic fever | 详细» |
传染病的传播spread of infectious diseases | 详细» |
传染途径channel of infection;the routes of infection | 详细» |
传漂变geneticdrift | 详细» |
传统tradition | 详细» |
传统成药traditional patent drugs | 详细» |
传统疗法the traditional therapeutic method | 详细» |
传统药品traditional drugs | 详细» |
传花粉给pollen | 详细» |
传说legend | 详细» |
传达conveyance | 详细» |
传递性疲劳transmission fatigue | 详细» |
伤不久就愈合了the wound soon healed up | 详细» |
伤乳食dyspepsia due to improper feeding | 详细» |
伤了一只手臂injure an arm | 详细» |
伤亡casualty | 详细» |
伤侧the injured side | 详细» |
伤冷乳impairment of the stomach by intake of cold milk | 详细» |
伤力症injury due to physical overload | 详细» |
伤及五脏to impair the five zang-organs | 详细» |
伤口不久就愈合了The wound soon healed up | 详细» |
伤口化脓suppuration i a wound | 详细» |