商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典
商务专业汉英词典 第15页
翻译 | 详细 |
不动产交付证feoffment | 详细» |
不动产估价损益profit and loss on valuation of real estate | 详细» |
不动产信用credit based on real property | 详细» |
不动产共有人joint tenant | 详细» |
不动产占有侵犯clausum fregit | 详细» |
不动产受托人feoffee in trust | 详细» |
不动产帐户immovable account;real estate account | 详细» |
不动产承受人feoffee | 详细» |
不动产投资共同基金real estate pool | 详细» |
不动产抵押保证,不动产抵押担保品,不动产抵押品real securities | 详细» |
不动产抵押契据deed mortgage on real estate | 详细» |
不动产抵押银行hypothec bank | 详细» |
不动产收入income from immovable property | 详细» |
不动产权landed estate | 详细» |
不动产的卖租方式sale and lease back of real estate | 详细» |
不动产的附属财产property accessory to immovable property | 详细» |
不动产税real property taxes;real estate tax | 详细» |
不动产让与人,不动产赠与人feoffor | 详细» |
不动产让与证书经办人conveyancer | 详细» |
不动产财务real estate finance | 详细» |
不动产购置税tax on the acquisition of immovable property 不动产估价 appraisal of real estate | 详细» |
不动本基金nonexpendable funds | 详细» |
不劳而获的增值unearned increment | 详细» |
不包括下期红利ex dividend | 详细» |
不包括卸船费用ex ship | 详细» |
不包括股利,不附红利股票,不计股息ex dividend | 详细» |
不单纯承兑qualified acceptance | 详细» |
不参与分红的优先股nonparticipating preferred stock | 详细» |
不参加管理的合伙人silent partner | 详细» |
不及格[学习成绩]unproficiency;poor progress;failure;deficiency | 详细» |