经贸专业汉英词典 经贸专业英语词典 经贸英语词典 经贸英语词汇 经贸专业词典 经贸英语专业词典
经贸专业汉英词典 第85页
翻译 | 详细 |
为...所迫were pushed for | 详细» |
为...扫清道路clear the way for;cleared the way for;clears the way for | 详细» |
为...留余地leave room for | 详细» |
为...的一半half as many as;half as much as | 详细» |
为...而洋洋得意glory in | 详细» |
为...而责备bring to task for;brings to task for;brought to task for;call to task for;called to task for;calls to task for;take to task for;taken to task for;takes to task for;took to task for | 详细» |
为...让路made way for;make way for;maken way for;makes way for | 详细» |
为...说好话make a pitch for | 详细» |
为...重新开辟途径rechannel | 详细» |
为与...比较for comparison to;for comparison with | 详细» |
为了for sake;in order that;in order to;in the interest of;on account;with the aim of | 详细» |
为了...愿付出一切代价given worlds to | 详细» |
为了...缘故for sake | 详细» |
为了个人打算on own account | 详细» |
为了回答in answer to | 详细» |
为了祖国propatria | 详细» |
为了这个缘故on this account | 详细» |
为什么hope come;the reason why | 详细» |
为众人所知came to light;come to light;comes to light | 详细» |
为使显著起见for the sake of contrast | 详细» |
为保值而卖hedge buying | 详细» |
为信贷作保secure a creditor | 详细» |
为再销售而购买buying for resale | 详细» |
为出售而开出的票据bill drawn for sale | 详细» |
为双方共同利益而办理的分保reinsurance cover for common account | 详细» |
为商品作广告advertise the goods | 详细» |
为在国外使用资金而在国外发行的债券out to out external bond | 详细» |
为存款for deposit | 详细» |
为对比起见for the sake of contrast | 详细» |
为延期收款然而填迟发票日期dated billing | 详细» |