会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典
会计专业英汉词典 第190页
翻译 | 详细 |
congestion of port港口负荷程度 | 详细» |
conglomerate综合性大企业,跨行业公司,跨业经营,联合企业,大联合企业 | 详细» |
congress of workers and staff in public enterprises公营企业职工代表会议 | 详细» |
congruence class同等组 | 详细» |
connection顾客[总称] | 详细» |
connection ticket联运票 | 详细» |
consciseness简洁性[会计质量要求之一] | 详细» |
consensus method一致法 | 详细» |
consent dividend帐面股息[优先股的末期利息] | 详细» |
consent settlement承诺调解 | 详细» |
consequential damage insurance间接损害保险 | 详细» |
consequential loss insurance间接损失保险,灾后损失保险 | 详细» |
conservatism保守 | 详细» |
conservative use of funds节约使用资金 | 详细» |
consider a schedule协商进度表 | 详细» |
consider an offer in detail仔细研究报价 | 详细» |
consider the program of tests协定检验内容 | 详细» |
considerable order大量订购 | 详细» |
consideration of an offer研究报价 | 详细» |
consign托运,托卖,委托 | 详细» |
consign for shipment托运 | 详细» |
consignation交付 | 详细» |
consigned materials for processing委托加工材料 | 详细» |
consigned to buyer以购货人为受货人 | 详细» |
consigned to issuing bank以开证银行为受货人 | 详细» |
consigned to shipper以托运人为收货人 | 详细» |
consignee受托人,收件人,收货人,受货人,代销商,承销人,承销商,代售人 | 详细» |
consignee's entries承销人记录 | 详细» |
consignee's marking收货人标志 | 详细» |
consignee's warehouse收货人的仓库 | 详细» |