医学专业汉英词典 医学专业英语词典 医学英语词典 医学英语词汇 医学专业词典 医学英语专业词典
医学专业汉英词典 第82页
翻译 | 详细 |
脑性低钠cerebral hyponatremia | 详细» |
脑性共济失调cerebral ataxia | 详细» |
脑性呕吐cerbral vomiting | 详细» |
脑性惊厥eclampsia cerebralis | 详细» |
脑性糖尿病cerebral diabetes | 详细» |
脑性麻痹cerebral palsy;cerebralpalsy | 详细» |
脑意外cerebral accident | 详细» |
脑扫描brain scanning | 详细» |
脑挫伤brain contusion | 详细» |
脑挫裂伤contusion and laceration of brain | 详细» |
脑损害cerebral lesion | 详细» |
脑探测套管brain exploring cannula | 详细» |
脑控制不良的dysergastic | 详细» |
脑敷料镊brain dressing forceps | 详细» |
脑旋毛虫病cerebral trichinosis | 详细» |
脑本身的idiophrenic | 详细» |
脑松软encephalodialysis | 详细» |
脑栓塞cerebral embolism | 详细» |
脑样的cerebroid;encephaloid | 详细» |
脑桥bridge;pons | 详细» |
脑桥下的subpontine | 详细» |
脑桥中部髓鞘溶解central pontine myelinolysis | 详细» |
脑桥出血hemorrhage of pons | 详细» |
脑桥卒中bulbar apoplexy;pontile apoplexy | 详细» |
脑桥小脑三角pontocerebellar trigone;trigonum pontocerebellare | 详细» |
脑桥小脑的pontocerebellar | 详细» |
脑桥延髓的pontobulbar | 详细» |
脑桥性偏瘫pontile hemiplegia | 详细» |
脑桥核nuclei pontis;pontile nuclei | 详细» |
脑桥泌涎核nucleus salivatorius superior;superior salivatory nucleus | 详细» |