消防专业汉英词典 消防专业英语词典 消防英语词典 消防英语词汇 消防专业词典 消防英语专业词典
消防专业汉英词典 第170页
翻译 | 详细 |
晶体控制crystal control | 详细» |
晶体话筒crystal microphone | 详细» |
智力intelligence | 详细» |
智能火灾报警和探测系统intelligent alarm and detection system | 详细» |
智能点型探测系统intelligent point detection system | 详细» |
智能计算器intelligent computer | 详细» |
暂态电压transient voltage | 详细» |
暖墙oven wall | 详细» |
暖气加热壁板warm air heating panel | 详细» |
暖气片heating radiator;radiator | 详细» |
暖气罩radiator box | 详细» |
暖空气分配系统warm air distribution system | 详细» |
暖风加热炉warm air furnace | 详细» |
暴民mob | 详细» |
暴燃到暴轰的跃迁deflagration to detonation transition | 详细» |
暴雨torrential rain;storm;shower | 详细» |
暴露于一氧化碳CO exposure | 详细» |
暴露于有害条件下exposure to adverse condition | 详细» |
暴露于火焰试验flame exposure test | 详细» |
暴露于火的时间fire exposure time | 详细» |
暴露剂量exposure dose | 详细» |
暴露建筑物exposed building | 详细» |
暴露油罐exposed tank | 详细» |
暴露燃烧面积exposed burning area | 详细» |
暴露的危险exposure hazard | 详细» |
暴露的场所exposed situation | 详细» |
暴风雪blizzard;heavy storm | 详细» |
曝光表photometer | 详细» |
曲流喷嘴bent stream tip | 详细» |
曲线形喷嘴bent stream tip | 详细» |