法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典
法学专业英汉词典 第172页
翻译 | 详细 |
coerced prostitution强迫卖淫〔名词〕 | 详细» |
coercion in election强制选举罪 | 详细» |
coercive强制〔形容词〕 | 详细» |
coercive act强制行为 ,胁迫行为 | 详细» |
coercive execution强制执行〔名词〕 | 详细» |
coercive measure against the person人身强制措施 | 详细» |
coercive measures against obstruction of civil proceedings对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施 | 详细» |
coercive measures in civil proceedings民事强制措施 | 详细» |
coercive permission强制许可 | 详细» |
coercive summons拘传票 | 详细» |
coerciveness of law法的强制说 | 详细» |
coexist共处〔动词〕 | 详细» |
coffers金库〔名词〕 | 详细» |
cofinancing联合贷款〔名词〕 | 详细» |
cognate母系亲属〔名词〕 | 详细» |
cognation亲族〔名词〕 | 详细» |
cognition of adjudication审判认识 | 详细» |
cognition process in preparatory examination预审认识过程 | 详细» |
cognition theory of crime认知论犯罪观 | 详细» |
cognitive negligence轻信过失 ,有认识的过失 | 详细» |
cognitive therapy认识疗法 | 详细» |
cognovit actionem被告已供认不讳 | 详细» |
cohabit姘居 ,共同居住〔动词〕 | 详细» |
cohabitation姘居 ,共同居住 ,同居〔名词〕 | 详细» |
coheir共同继承人〔名词〕 | 详细» |
coimperium共同统治权〔名词〕 | 详细» |
coin withdrawal铸币回收 | 详细» |
coincidence of civil liabilities民事责任竞合 | 详细» |
coincident principals同时正犯 | 详细» |
coinsurance共保 ,共同保险〔名词〕 | 详细» |