航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典
航海专业汉英词典 第176页
翻译 | 详细 |
伪谐振荡pseudo-harmonic oscillation | 详细» |
伪赋值pseudo valuation | 详细» |
伪造adulteration;counterfeiting;doctor up;fake up;falsify;fiddle with;forge;forgery;sophistication;trump up | 详细» |
伪造品fake〔名词〕 | 详细» |
伪造的文件bogus document | 详细» |
伪造货币counterfeit money | 详细» |
伯努利定律bernoulli's law | 详细» |
伯明翰线规birmingham wire gauge | 详细» |
估价account valuation;appraisal;appraise;appraised price;appraisement;appreciation;assess;assess at;cost estimsting或cost estimstion;estimate for;estimate of cost;evaluate;evaluation;extend;put a price on;rate at | 详细» |
估价人rater | 详细» |
估价征税taxation | 详细» |
估价者valuator | 详细» |
估价过低undervaluation | 详细» |
估值estimate value;estimates | 详细» |
估定assess at | 详细» |
估工人assessor | 详细» |
估测误差estimation error | 详细» |
估算价computed price | 详细» |
估算经济学econometrics | 详细» |
估计estimate;estimate at;estimate for;estimate in;estimation;figure on;guesstimate;made allowance for;made allowances for;make allowance for;make allowances for;make it;projection;projections;put;reckon;reckon for;set above;size up | 详细» |
估计交船时间estimated time of ship delivery | 详细» |
估计使用寿命endurance expectation | 详细» |
估计成本cost | 详细» |
估计有多少rate at | 详细» |
估计活不到平均寿命的人bad life | 详细» |
估计的pro forma | 详细» |
估计纬度estimated latitude | 详细» |
估计耐用年限endurance expectation | 详细» |
估计舱位estimated space | 详细» |
估计过高over the mark;overestimate;overrate;overvalue | 详细» |